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Barry is a sales executive. He is in charge of the Northwestern region and has 35 sales working in his group.
His situation is slightly different from the rest of the company because he has to face a strong local competitor that has been the actual leading brand in his region for the past two decades. His peers usually compete with a collection of national brands in their own region and the company's SFA system reflects this situation. Barry has defined a specific action plan to finally take the lead and establish his company in the driver's seat in his region. Barry has identified a list of 200 local companies that his group must win to switch the situation. He has established sales figures for each of these and think that if he can achieve 75% of this target by next year, his group would be in a position to claim victory against an opponent that has defeated the company consistently for the last 20 years. Barry is using FlexRun to have an update every two weeks on his action plan. Each sale who is responsible of one or more of the 200 key companies is receiving a mail on the second Friday of the month and asked to give a status in terms of stage for the deals and number of items compared to each target figure. The first three months have not been easy. Sales were obviously reluctant to bend to the new approach, but Barry has been doing some cajoling and arm twisting and he has now a good view on the progress of his action plan. After 6 months, he has only achieved 20% of the original goal, but he feels much more confident now that he has the right information to focus his group energy on the key deals
FlexRun's benefits
FlexRun has offered Barry the flexibility that the central SFA system did not provide. His situation is particular and the company's system did not let him track what he needed. Furthermore, even if some time has been required to get the ball rolling, Barry likes the fact that now his group operates with a 2 week timeframe in mind. He feels that this gives him a much better way to react on deviation in his plan compared to the quarterly horizon embedded in the central system.
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